‘Not A Villain’ Webcomic – Page 641
Because Bandit doesn't care at all if Kat shows up or not...
Because Bandit doesn't care at all if Kat shows up or not...
Danni is not impressed.
Danni has fans!
EDIT: I'm aware the archive links are broken. Working on it. Sorry for the issue. Okay, something updated and broke stuff but I believe I fixed it. Thanks to everyone who let me know!
Memory lane:
Not what she was expecting.
Danni! In L.i.F.e.
Book 6 starts Tuesday
Per request, here are some wallpaper versions of the last panel on page 636. Click to be taken to the larger version. Enjoy!
Last time Mina was seen in-comic (in Book 2).
For those that wanted the last update's last panel in a bigger format, vote here to get it. For bigger/wider versions without any text, check out this news post in the AneekaChannel (if you're in Patreon, you can log in via your patreon account).
And so ends Book 5.
It's a heavy weight to carry.