News – Bookmark Results, Wallpaper, and Free Book!

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Thanks to all who participated in the poll! It was a close race between the three hacker style choices and Dude fleeing Jane, but in the end, Kat and D (hacker style) finished with one point ahead of the rest.

So, here is the bookmark for those that participated in my Kickstarter!

Bookmarks - Kat and D ready for this - exampleI think it turned out rather awesome, so I made it into a wallpaper, too! Feel free to download one.





Also regarding my Kickstarter, I've contacted everyone that I have notes for who wanted one of the upgrades I promised. If you wanted an upgrade but didn't receive an email from me, then something went wrong. Please email me asap. I start shipping tomorrow.

And several months ago, my Patreon account surpassed $100 and I promised a free version of my fantasy book "The Wanted Child" when that milestone was reached. I am now finally fulfilling that belated promise and since you're just as awesome as my Patreons, you can get it, too!

You'll need to go to my book's Smashwords' page and use the promo code HJ86D to get it free. The coupon will expire by the end of this month. I hope you'll enjoy it!

Thank you again for all your continuing support! Means so much to me!