Creator of 'Not A Villain'.

‘Not A Villain’ Webcomic – Page 826

62 Comments on ‘Not A Villain’ Webcomic – Page 826

Hey, new page!

Sorry for the radio silence, but hey, at least it's because of good news this time: I got married!

First time for me--I'm long past my prime so I figured it would never happen, but fate had other ideas and my soulmate finally showed up.

So I, uh, kind of turned into a love-struck teenager (which was weird!) and forgot to work on the comic  >_<

But, I'm back! And will resume the monthly update. I still have a goal to get back to weekly updates but no promises about that yet. But I will promise there will be no more radio silences for the rest of this year. There will either be a page or a sketch every first Tuesday of the month.

Thanks everyone!

Next update: April 1st

‘Not A Villain’ Webcomic – Page 821

Hey, look at that. Took three years, but here's the next page (here's a link to the previous one).

This and the next page were the ones I was working on when my sister died. I still cry looking at these two pages; all of the emotion and memories come rushing back. Even posting it makes me break down. Which is ironic considering what the pages are about.

Anyway, here you go. I hope you'll enjoy these pages more than I ever will.


Edit: Next update will be Sept 3rd.


Hiatus – Results Are In

Thanks to all who participated in my poll. Honestly, I wasn't expecting such an overwhelming show of support and patience, so thank you. That is so very kind of you all. And to the few who weren't so supportive, I understand your impatience and frustration. I feel it against myself just as much.

Quite a few pointed out that I didn't word the options very well and that the last two were basically the same. Which, when I re-read them, turns out to be true. Haha.

What I was trying to ask was: when I finally start updating, do you prefer a schedule or not?

But, as many others of you pointed out, this question should be answered by me. So I did. And it turns out, I prefer a schedule.

So, I'm making the tentative plan of starting monthly updates on August 6th. I currently have two pages nearly all done (they require the last step which is adding in the dialogue, doing last minute touch-ups, then formatting it for the web) and many others in various stages of completion. Despite still crawling at a snail space emotionally while doing art, I think I can reasonably expect to get five pages done this year. *knocks on wood just in case the universe is gleefully waiting to throw me another curveball*

I'm really hoping to get more than five done, but I'm trying not to set too high of a bar. And, for my anxiety levels, I have to say that come 2025, I reserve the right to re-evaluate and change things.

Hopefully, however, all goes well and I can start reliably sharing Kleya's story again. I mean, we're finally getting to a juicy bit with the Dude, Danni, and Jane! And I had this big plan to do something cool with my amazing subscribers after a certain event happens in the story and we're so close to it (though, at a monthly update, it's going to take years...). So I DO want to continue. And I hope you'll hang on with me as I fight my way to my goal.


Hiatus – What is this? Color??

*gasp* Color!

Yeah, I know it's only one panel, but it's progress! Enough that I'm considering starting up the comic again. I won't be fast though. Comic-creating still triggers the grieving process, but I'm finding ways to manage it. I won't be able to handle a weekly update, though. I'm not even sure if I can do a monthly update. But I want to try.

My goal is to get at least two pages completed before the end of the year. I'm almost up to one at the moment but there's the holidays and all that grieving mess, so who knows if I'll make it.

In the meantime, I'd love to hear your input on what I should do for next year with a very simple poll:

Thank you!

PS: Some of you noticed that the site went down the first couple of days of November and worried I had disappeared. Thanks to all who reached out to make sure I was okay. It was just a problem with my hosting service but I was able to get it resolved. It did cause this update to be late, though. Sorry for worrying you!

Hiatus – September Update

Inking is starting to happen. I'm still terrified of coloring since I had always found that step to be tedious. Adding in grief is probably not going to be a good combo, especially since I was in the coloring phase when my sister died...

Yeah, that's going to be a mess.

But, at least the inking is starting to come along. And Danni didn't turn out too bad. Or at least, I like to think so. If you don't agree, don't tell me, lol. Let me live in my delusion that my inking skills are still okay XD

Hiatus – June Update

I seem to fair better at every-other-month updates instead of monthly.

And hey, look at that, a whole page of sketches. I took out the middle panel because it could be spoilerific, but the other ones should be safe enough.

I still struggle with inking and I haven't even touched coloring, but at least the sketching has become easier.